Monday, February 9, 2009

Self-control,Happiness and frustration.

What is self-control? How and why should one control one's self. I think it means essentially to direct one's thoughts and thus, one's actions. In essence it means to not follow the whim of any particular moment. It means to act on one's rational thoughts and ideas-what many term "common sense". And not on one's whims and fancies. It is easy and difficult together. Easy when one is doing the right things, difficult when the urge to act on impulse recurs. What, then, is the genesis of this impulse, this whim? Its one's own life and the choices one has made that serves as a reference point at this crossroad.

When one has, even by default, always acted on common sense and reason, it is easy to guide one's thoughts and actions. If, on the other hand, one has failed to do that-it becomes increasingly difficult to act on one's logic.

Happiness lies in "self-control"-many say. What I think they mean is happiness results from acting on one's logic and reason. Frustration is the result of acting on whims and impulses. How many times have I felt both these emotions and I know which is the right emotion to have experienced. When happy, I feel nothing is impossible to try and do. When frustrated by unreasonable thoughts and actions, self-doubt slowly but surely creeps in. Then, existence becomes a dreary affair, devoid of the gaeity one has known in times when one was true to reality and to one's own rational standards.

1 comment:

  1. very nice thought, but self control is required more on ones negative emotions. The positive ones needs to be left uncontrolled. Negative emotions I agree should be channelised to bring out more positive results in one life. Anger, greed, jealousy, envy, etc. should be channelised into bringing positive changes in ones life.

    Excersicing self control is the most logical way of dealing with ones emotions but again takes the fun out of living sometimes. Ask a woman on how they enjoy bitching and you will see reason in not practising self control.

    I feel sometimes deciplining ones core emotions leads to self frustration as you try to feel what you are actually not feeling and not deciplining your core emotions may frustrate others. Choice is yours.
