Taliban.Whatever the meaning of that term, their ideas are wrong. To create a "society" where girls are denied access to education by force, where men are slaves to the edicts of the leader-that is not a dream but a nightmare. I am fortunate I am nowhere near where they are.
Such a "society" will have illiterate men and women. They will exist for some years and die, their only function in life being to obey, reproduce and die. The term "human" cannot be applied to such savages. Every "citizen" in such a land will have just one constant emotion, that of fear. The pursuit of happiness? LOL. It is the pursuit of unhappiness. And to say that one will reach happiness pursuing unhappiness is a contradiction.
There will be a few good men among these hordes, but such men will not survive for long amidst such mindlessness. Sadness is the only emotion I can feel for any such person who is unfortunate to be born amongst the Taliban.
It is of no use talking with them. They have lost the capacity of human communication. Their values are not of this world. And there is no other world. When faced with such a mindset, one should do one of two things-run or destroy them.