Germany in 1941 was not the Mumbai of 2009. Hitler spoke fiercely about his love for the Fatherland, and how the Jews were responsible for the German loss at some war. He was voted into power soon after. If Germany had British, American, Indian, African men, Hitler would not have become what he did. Mumbai has Gujuratis, Oriyans,Sindhis, Mizos, Biharis, UPites, Delhiites, Punjabis, Rajasthanis, Nagas, Nepalis etc etc residing here and thus, giving the term "Cosmopolitan" to the city. One uses violence or force only when one cannot persuade, by reason, his opponent. What reasonable man will agree to the vile diktats of Raj Thackeray? Fear is the only weapon he has on his side. He intimidates and his men carry out his threats.
The government has the moral and constitutional duty to protect citizens from the acts of violence the chief of MNS perpetrates in the name of love for Maharashtra. How can love for anything bring about hatred? Raj Thackeray's stand is irrational and the battle lies not in opposing him, but in exposing him.
All dictators in history caused unspoken grief and despair on their "victims". Yesterday, the enemy were Malayalees and South Indians, today the enemy is the man from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, tomorrow it could be you and me. Someone wisely said if you want to see whether an idea is good or evil, look at it's consequences. My eyes are open, my mind is active. I see what Raj Thackeray's ideas are achieving. Think about that.